The subway system in Seoul is very good, cheap, and convenient. It's easy to navigate the subway system since all the signs are available in Korean, English and sometimes Japanese and Chinese as well. You can also download either Kakao Metro or Subway Korea that is also available in several languages. There you can easily search the route you wish to take and see all necessary information.
To take the subway you need a Tmoney card. You can buy special cards with different idols, suchs as BTS, and cute characthers, suchs as Kakao friends, on as well.

Tmoney cards can either be bought through the machines you see at subway stations or inside one of the convenience stores. Card price and service fee of 500 won are not refundable. Travelers are advised to load their card in small amounts as the refund process for over 50,000 won can be complicated and time-consuming
To use the card for public transportation in Seoul, you must tap your card when boarding and getting off buses or entering and exiting subway stations. Transfer discounts are also available, limited to four times a day, within a transfer time limit of 30 minutes (up to 1 hour from 21:00 to 07:00 next day). However, the transfer discount will not apply if you are transferring to the same numbered bus even if it’s within 30 minutes or re-entering the same subway station after exiting.

How to charge your Tmoney card?
1. Recharge at a convenience store. Only cash.
2. Use a ticket vending machine that is located inside all the subway stations and train stations. Only cash.
-Select your preferred language on the screen (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese).
-Click the third button with the T-money logo on the far right and touch the “Reloading the transit car” button.
-Place your card on the loading pad and then select the amount of money you want to add.
-Insert coin or cash and wait briefly while your T-money card completes reloading.
-Confirm your T-money card’s balance.
The subway system in Seoul is very good, cheap, and convenient. It's easy to navigate the subway system since all the signs are available in Korean, English and sometimes Japanese and Chinese as well. You can also download either Kakao Metro or Subway Korea that is also available in several languages. There you can easily search the route you wish to take and see all necessary information.
To take the subway you need a Tmoney card. You can buy special cards with different idols, suchs as BTS, and cute characthers, suchs as Kakao friends, on as well.
Tmoney cards can either be bought through the machines you see at subway stations or inside one of the convenience stores. Card price and service fee of 500 won are not refundable. Travelers are advised to load their card in small amounts as the refund process for over 50,000 won can be complicated and time-consuming
To use the card for public transportation in Seoul, you must tap your card when boarding and getting off buses or entering and exiting subway stations. Transfer discounts are also available, limited to four times a day, within a transfer time limit of 30 minutes (up to 1 hour from 21:00 to 07:00 next day). However, the transfer discount will not apply if you are transferring to the same numbered bus even if it’s within 30 minutes or re-entering the same subway station after exiting.
How to charge your Tmoney card?
1. Recharge at a convenience store. Only cash.
2. Use a ticket vending machine that is located inside all the subway stations and train stations. Only cash.
-Select your preferred language on the screen (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese).
-Click the third button with the T-money logo on the far right and touch the “Reloading the transit car” button.
-Place your card on the loading pad and then select the amount of money you want to add.
-Insert coin or cash and wait briefly while your T-money card completes reloading.
-Confirm your T-money card’s balance.